Funniest Sight of the Week
A new segment for the blog: there are plenty of things that make us laugh every week so we´ll share the most ridiculous. This week was Smiles the Dog. Sarah and I and some RandomFriends from Livingston were hanging out in hammocks in a thatch hut at the end of a dock (insert Corona ad image here) when Smiles ran up to us. Smiles is brown and small and very happily enthusiastic. You can tell this guy loves affection. We all beckoned him over but Smiles has a twitch that has ruined his social life. Just before you pet Smiles he breaks into a huge doggie grin, not the kind where a dog´s open mouth looks cute and happy, but a full teeth bearing snarl. And the sad thing is he doesn´t mean it. We all tried to call Smiles over and get him to put away the teeth before we would pet him, but invariably he would eventually slink away not understanding why we´d called if we didn´t have anything for him. I tried to translate into human terms and decided Smiles was like a person with Tourette´s syndrom. He means well enough but these loud, body language outbursts make him really hard to hang out with. Plus, you can´t really help but laugh and that hurt his feelings.
hey there smiles reminds me of kittie in my backyard, how can animals keep our attention for such long periods of time? I love youo guys and miss you a lot -Nadia
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