Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Onward to Honduras

Sarah and I have crossed over into Honduras after using up almost all of our 3 month visa in Guatemala. We've been given another 90 days to explore Honduras but so far it looks like we won't need all that time. Our first few days here have been kind of a shock... a very dramatic difference from just over the border in Guatemala. In Mexico and Guatemala it is expected to give a polite greeting to people you interact with or pass on the street. Coming from New York it took a while to adjust and make a quick "Buenos Dias" part of the routine but now it is second nature. Here in Honduras if you nod and smile at people as you walk by you are more often than not given a blank stare in return. The younger kids and the older folks still will shoot back a hello but I've found the reluctance to speak on most peoples parts very disconcerting. Honduras also has none of the indigenous charm that flavored so much of Guatemala. It seems that lacking any old culture or traditions Honduras has adopted U.S. culture and ideals. After Livingston we have meandered along the Caribbean coast of Honduras, stopping in a few towns before we head off to the diving haven of the Bay Islands. Our ferry to the islands was cancelled so we were ended up taking up lodgings in a hotel... across from a mall. Just like in the U.S. the mall has sucked all the life from the surrounding area and all the services or goods you would need are housed in the one building. There aren't many stores we know from the states but many are named things like; "USA Best Brand," or "American Style," or, my favorite, "Carrion." All of the favorite fast food chains were there including Burger King, Wendy's, Popeye's, KFC and Pizza Hut. All in all it was a pretty nightmare experience... I wanted to stop the Hondurans shopping and apologize. "I am sorry for globalization. I am sorry for conspicuous consumption. Please forgive me for Ronald McDonald and his mangy group of friends!" Oh well. Soon we will ship out and have some lovely island time. Roatan and diving the second largest reef in the world should soothe my neon sign burned eyes and warm my air conditioning chilled skin.



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